Painting as Installation art. Artist focused on painting installations that already exist on location, instead of building new ones from scratch. This painting practice requires trespassing and hiring a bodyguard. The "Workplace Series" provides commentary on disappearing American industries due to outsourcing.

Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings"
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 4
"Transition", 2009
72 X 48 inches, oil on canvas
Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings"
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 6
"Seam", 2009
84 x 71 inches, oil on canvas

The subject of this painting was about trying to hide a seam running vertically down the center of the picture plane. ("Seam" was painted on a large, linen drop cloth (with a seam). The town in which the artist was living was completely out of stock of artist-grade canvas. Therefore, the entire composition of this painting was formulated to hide the vertical seam.

Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings"
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 8
"Seam Study", 2009
48 x 24 inches, oil on silk
Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings"
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 10
"Armour Night", 48 x 36 inches, 2009

This painting was painted at dusk before it got too dangerous to hang out. (Edgar, the artist's bodyguard, was also uncomfortable painting on location late.)

Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings" oil on felt
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 12
"Painting on Dust", 72 x 84 inches, 2010
oil on felt
Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings" oil on felt
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 14
"Painting on Dust" Detail of Edgar, (Tower's bodyguard)
oil on felt

Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings" oil on canvas
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 16
"Mouse Trap", 48 x 72, 2010
oil on canvas
Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings"
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 18
"Mousetrap Study", 2010
oil on fabric

Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings" oil on canvas
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 20
"Sleeping Dog, 72 x 82 inches, 2010
oil on canvas

The first version of this painting the artist lost when a cable snapped on her truck going over the Mississippi River in 2010. The painting flew off the bridge and was never seen again.
Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings"
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 22
Detail of Buster from"Sleeping Dog"

Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings" oil on canvas
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 24
"Put Out", 67 x 79 inches, 2010
oil on canvas

"Put Out", the opposite of "Output"
Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings"
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 26
Detail of black cat in "Put Out"

Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings"
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 28
Photo by Joe Epstein

Tower working on "Put Out" in the rain, February, '09, East Saint Louis, IL
Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings"
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 30
"Maintenance Walk", 60 x 60 inches, 2010
oil on canvas

Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings" oil on canvas
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 32
"Crumble", 17 x 24 inches, 2009
oil on canvas
Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings"
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 34
"Husked", 2009
68 X 72, oil on canvas

"Husked" refers to the corn cob husks depicted in this painting, lying on the factory floor, situating this scene in the Corn belt.

"Husked" also refers to the environment having been "husked", or "stripped bare" by scrappers as a consequence of economic deterioration.

Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings" Oil on canvas
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 36
Oil on canvas

Painted at 56 Sourth 11th Street, Brooklyn, NY, the artist's old studio from which she was evicted for the second time due to neighborhood gentrification.
Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings" enamel on dropcloth
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 38
enamel on dropcloth
56"x 62"

I was living in the Midwest for several years and visiting New York without my oil paint. Curator Matt Gosser, knowing I am fond of painting Industrial sites in situ, gave me the tip to the New Jersey Site and mentioned it was about to be demolished the following week. I had previously scheduled a visit to the Whitney Biennial with art critic, Anthony Haden-Guest; having only a limited time in the tri-state area. I mentioned to Haden-Guest that I'd rather paint than see the biennial and the two of us decided to visit the Westinghouse site instead of the Whitney Biennial that year. Haden-Guest and myself rode the Path out to New Jersey and found the Westinghouse plant a short distance from the train tracks. We proceeded to climb through a second story window of the factory. (Art-critic Anthony Haden-Guest was around 70 at the time.) Once inside, I painted while he snooped around. We returned to Manhattan after several hours. I left the painting in the factory to dry, headed to the airport, and curator Matt Gosser, retrieved the painting for me, titled "Surge" and exhibited it in his "Westinghouse" show in 2008.

Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings" Enamel on canvas
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 40
Enamel on canvas
48" x 36"

For a few years, Tower switched mediums (from working with artist-grade oil paint to left-over, industrial-grade paint salvaged from dumpsters). Paint was applied more loosely, devoid of thickening agents. Tower felt the melting of painting surfaces mirrored the economy's deterioration and said, "I feel as though I am painting the actual recession itself" (with the looser paint handling).
Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings" Enamel on canvas
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 42
Enamel on canvas
40" x 30"

Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings" enamel on canvas
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 44
enamel on canvas
48" x 36"

For a few years, Tower switched mediums (from working with artist-grade oil paint to left-over, industrial-grade paint salvaged from dumpsters). Paint was applied more loosely, devoid of thickening agents. Tower felt the melting of painting surfaces mirrored the economy's deterioration and said, "I feel as though I am painting the actual recession itself" (with the looser paint handling).
Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings"
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 46
Site Painting Photo by Malcolm Gay

Tower painting "Big Wheel" (above) inside a "borrowed" studio- (trespassing) in East Saint Louis.

Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings"
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 48
"Factory", Installation, Haven Arts, NYC, 20008

Tower placed a faux-factory replica of an engine room inside an empty, gutted factory in the South Bronx complete with a video of factory inhabitants, Haven Arts, NYC, 20008
Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings"
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 50
"Frick Backlight", Factory, HavenArts, NYC, 2008

Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings"
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 52
"Factory", Detail of Big Wheel, Haven Arts, NYC, 2008

Tower placed a faux-factory replica of an engine room inside an empty, gutted factory in the South Bronx complete with a video of factory inhabitants, Haven Arts, NYC, 20008
Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings"
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 54
"Big Wheel" in"Factory", Haven Arts, NYC, 2008

Tower placed a faux-factory replica of an engine room inside an empty, gutted factory in the South Bronx complete with a video of factory inhabitants, Haven Arts, NYC, 20008

Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings"
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 56
"Painting One", "Factory" Installation Detail
Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings"
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"Painting Two", "Factory" Installation Detail

Tower placed a faux-factory replica of an engine room inside an empty, gutted factory in the South Bronx complete with a video of factory inhabitants, Haven Arts, NYC, 20008

Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings"
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 60
"Factory" Installation Detail Showing Video of Site Inhabitants

Tower placed a faux-factory replica of an engine room inside an empty, gutted factory in the South Bronx complete with a video of factory inhabitants, Haven Arts, NYC, 20008
Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings" oil on fabric
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 62
oil on fabric

Painted in Brooklyn, IL

Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings"
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 64
Factory detail
Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings" Oil on canvas
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 66
Oil on canvas

Painted in Brooklyn, IL at Armour site

Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings"
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 68
Jarvic Detail
Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings" Photo by Sarah Paulsen
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 70
Artist painting Stripped
Photo by Sarah Paulsen

Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings" Oil on upholstery material
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 72
Oil on upholstery material
44 x 67

Painted in Brooklyn, Illinois at Armour site
Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings"
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Cindy Tower Painting in Forman Factory, Brooklyn, New York

Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings" Oil on canvas
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 76
Forman Factory (with light bulb package)
Oil on canvas
64 x 72

Painted in Williamsburg, Brooklyn
Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings" Oil on canvas
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 78
Oil on canvas
66 x 69

Portrait of Edgar Carter painted at Great Lakes Carbon Factory, Saint Louis, MO

Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings"
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 80
Artist with body guard and dog

Photo by John Frey in Saint Louis, MO
Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings" enamel on canvas
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 82
"Edgar", Tower's Bodyguard
enamel on canvas

Edgar is depicted holding his favorite golf club.

For a few years, Tower switched mediums (from working with artist-grade oil paint to left-over, industrial-grade paint salvaged from dumpsters). Paint was applied more loosely, devoid of thickening agents. Tower felt the melting of painting surfaces mirrored the economy's deterioration and said, "I feel as though I am painting the actual recession itself" (with the looser paint handling).

Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings"
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 84
Detail of Edgar

Edgar Carter, born and raised in East Saint Louis, has been Cindy Tower's bodyguard since 2006. He has appeared several times in paintings by Tower and is also featured in her film, "Breaking, Entering and Painting".
Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings" oil and enamel on canvas
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 86
oil and enamel on canvas

Painted at Armour site

For a few years, Tower switched mediums (from working with artist-grade oil paint to left-over, industrial-grade paint salvaged from dumpsters). Paint was applied more loosely, devoid of thickening agents. Tower felt the melting of painting surfaces mirrored the economy's deterioration and said, "I feel as though I am painting the actual recession itself" (with the looser paint handling).

Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings"
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 88
Frick detail
Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings" enamel on fabric
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 90
Colored Ghosts
enamel on fabric
44"x 72"

For a few years, Tower switched mediums (from working with artist-grade oil paint to left-over, industrial-grade paint salvaged from dumpsters). Paint was applied more loosely, devoid of thickening agents. Tower felt the melting of painting surfaces mirrored the economy's deterioration and said, "I feel as though I am painting the actual recession itself" (with the looser paint handling).

Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings"
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 92
Colored Ghosts Detail
Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings" Oil on upholstery material
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 94
Spiral Ribbed
Oil on upholstery material
45 x 77

Painted in Leadington, MO at Federal Mill #3

Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings"
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 96
Spiral Ribbed Detail
Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings" Oil on Upholstery Material
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 98
Oil on Upholstery Material
43 x 70

Painted inside Federal Mill #3, Leadington, MO

Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings"
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 100
Gizzard Detail

"Gizzard" actually depicts a giant grinding machine that acts like a gizzard in a bird. It crushes rocks to extract the lead minerals.
Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings" oil on canvas
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 102
Big Wheel
oil on canvas

Painted in Brooklyn, IL

Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings"
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 104
Big Wheel detail
Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings" enamel on canvas
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 106
Scrappers' Rainbow End
enamel on canvas
72" x 48"

The defunct factory environment becomes a goldmine for scrappers. Scrappers in an economic decline are the equivalent of canaries in a coal mine.

For a few years, Tower switched mediums (from working with artist-grade oil paint to left-over, industrial-grade paint salvaged from dumpsters). Paint was applied more loosely, devoid of thickening agents.

Tower felt the melting of painting surfaces mirrored the economy's deterioration and said, "I feel as though I am painting the actual recession itself" (with the looser paint handling).

Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings"
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 108
Scrappers' Rainbow End Detail
Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings" Oil on upholstery material
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 110
Oil on upholstery material

Painted in Leadington, MO at Federal Mill #3

Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings"
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 112
Floater Detail

Depiction of floatation tanks in a lead mine.
Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings" 72 x 68 inches, oil on canvas
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 114
"Passage", 2010
72 x 68 inches, oil on canvas

Painted in memory of Al Philips, designer of the Katherine Dunham Museum, East Saint Louis, IL, the month he died 7/11, at age 49.

Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings" 64 x 96 inches, oil on canvas
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 116
"Brooklyn Armour", 2005
64 x 96 inches, oil on canvas
Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings" Enamel on canvas
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 118
Enamel on canvas
36" x 46"

Exterior of a lead mine entrance. Painted at Federal Mill #3, MO

For a few years, Tower switched mediums (from working with artist-grade oil paint to left-over, industrial-grade paint salvaged from dumpsters). Paint was applied more loosely, devoid of thickening agents. Tower felt the melting of painting surfaces mirrored the economy's deterioration and said, "I feel as though I am painting the actual recession itself" (with the looser paint handling).

Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings"
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 120
Detail Mine
Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings" oil on fabric
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 122
oil on fabric
29" x 40"

Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings"
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Detail Faccade
Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings" oil and enamel on fabric
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 126
oil and enamel on fabric

Painted in Brooklyn, IL (adjacent to East Saint Louis)

Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings"
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 128
Double detail showing side view
Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings" Oil on canvas
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Oil on canvas
68 x 72

Painted aboard the S.S. Diamond State, Port of Houston, TX

Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings"
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 132
Christmas Detail
Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings" oil on canvas
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 134
Acid Yellow
oil on canvas

Painted in Brooklyn, IL at Armour site

Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings" Oil on canvas
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 136
American 800
Oil on canvas
30 x 20

Behind Shu Feng Restaurant, Saint Louis, MO
Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings"
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Artist painting S.S. Diamond State, Port of Houston, TX

Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings" Oil on Canvas
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 140
Ship Eyes
Oil on Canvas
42 x 38

Painted aboard the S.S. Diamond State, Port of Houston, TX
Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings"
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Artist painting aboard S.S. Diamond State

Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings" Oil on canvas
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 144
Oil on canvas
35 x 41

Painted aboard the S.S. Diamond State, Port of Houston, TX
Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings" Oil on Canvas
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 146
Black Mother
Oil on Canvas
36" x 24"

Metaphorically, this is a portrait of the artist's Mother fighting cancer.

Painted in Brooklyn, Il at Armour site

Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings" oil on canvas
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 148
"Dixie Machine", Savannah, GA, 2010
oil on canvas
Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings" Oil on silk
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 150
Tommy Knocker
Oil on silk
68 x 43

Painted in Federal Mill #3, Leadington, MO

Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings"
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Tommy Knocker Detail

"Tommy Knocker" refers to a benevolent spirit which miners believe knocks on things to warn of an eminent collapse.
Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings" Oil on canvas
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 154
My Brothers and Myself
Oil on canvas
60 x 84

Painted at Great Lakes Carbon Factory, Saint Louis, MO

Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings" oil on canvas
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 156
My Brothers and Myself Detail
oil on canvas

Metaphorically, the "towers" on either side of the flaming barrrel are "stand ins" for the artist's brothers. She depicts herself as the short rusty barrel shooting flames.
Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings" Oil  on canvas
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 158
Building #128; Loading Dock
Oil on canvas
68 x 72

Painted in Brooklyn Navy Yard, New York City

Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings"
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Building 128, Loading Dock Detail

Building #128 was originally used to build ships in at the turn of the last century.
Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings" Oil on canvas
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 162
Building 128, Second Floor
Oil on canvas
64 x 68

Painted in Building #128, Brooklyn, Navy Yard, New York City

Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings"
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Building 128, Second Floor Detail
Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings" Oil on canvas
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 166
Green Room
Oil on canvas

The first version of this painting was stolen from the location a day before it was complete.

Painted in Building #128, Brooklyn navy yard, New York City

Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings"
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 168
Green Room Detail
Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings" oil on fabric
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 170
oil on fabric

Painted alongside Mississippi

Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings"
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 172
Bridge detail
Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings" Oil on Canvas
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 174
Oil on Canvas
69 x 50

Painted in Brookloyn, Illinois at Armour site

Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings"
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Grates Detail
Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings" Oil on canvas
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 178
The Office
Oil on canvas

Painted at Armour site

Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings" Oil on upholstery material
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 180
Capacity Reduction in Gold
Oil on upholstery material
60 x 40

Painted at Armour site
Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings" Oil on canvas
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 182
Armour Entrance
Oil on canvas

Painted at Armour site

Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings" Oil on canvas
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 184
Oil on canvas
58 x 56

Painted aboard the S.S. Diamond State, Port of Houston, TX
Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings" Oil on canvas
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 186
Oil on canvas
30 x 24

Painted in Brooklyn, NY at Forman Factory Site

Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings" Oil on canvas
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 188
Oil on canvas
42 x 36

Painted aboard the S.S.Diamond State, Port of Houston, TX
Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings" Oil on canvas
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 190
Oil on canvas
37 x 40

Painted in Georgetown, CT at Georgetown Wire Fabric factory site

Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings"
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"Feed Me Study", oil on fabric
Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings"
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"Gonzales Auction House", Gonzales, TX, 2005

Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings"
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 196
"Lunch in Nixon",Nixon, TX
Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings" oil on canvas
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 198
Last Stockyard
oil on canvas
68" x 72"

Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings"
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Detail Last Stockyard
Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings" Enamel on canvas
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 202
Circuit Two
Enamel on canvas

Painted for "Westinghouse Show"

Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings" Enamel on canvas
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 204
Circuit One
Enamel on canvas
Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings"
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"Cowboy Church II", 2005

Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings" oil on canvas
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"Cowboy Church I', 2005
oil on canvas
Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings"
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"The Cedarsqueezers", Mauer Ranch, Bulverde, TX

Cindy Tower "Workplace Paintings"
Workplace Paintings" ,  article artwork image 212
"Pape Store", San Antonio, TX