
Nest Egg

Cindy Tower show voted top pick for 2013 by Pedro Velez, 10 Minutes

Squirrel Painter

Cindy Tower Painting a 1,000-year-old live oak tree outside San Antonio, TX, 2013, 4 Minutes, by Cindy Tower

Mykonos Biennale 2013

Excerpts from the 2013 Mykonos Biennale in Greece which included Tower's "Buddha Belly" and "Wedding Dress Home" Installation, 8 Minutes, Documentary by Cindy Tower

Buddha Belly
Consumption Meditation, 2013

Tower calls "Buddha Belly" a consumption meditation.  This short depicts Tower's hand-crafted oil drums as animated Buddha figures wandering around a strange American landscape. Briefly the characters venture to a subconscious underworld in which primordial urges/indulgences prevail in this short, personal Odyssey.

Project begun by recording the hydraulic harvest of natural gas in Southwestern Texas--with sound and animated-oil-barrel-visuals added later.

Bonnetti Cutting Cheese with Style
Tower in 2009 marketing a new art critic product!